New blue gown for my daughter
In the last few weeks, I sewed another new gown for my daughter.
On top of all my problems with her previous gown, the fabric started pilling after only four trips since her birthday in March.
This time I pulled 100% cotton from my fabric stash, in a blue print she is excited about.
Although it’s not historically accurate, that doesn’t bother her as long as she’s close to the proper look.
Using the same pattern as before, I had the same problem of the bodice not closing in front, etc. which through great effort we force that bodice into submission.
It shouldn’t be that difficult!
Under the Redcoat weekend in Colonial Williamsburg
She debuted the gown at Colonial Williamsburg during Under the Redcoat, from which we’ve just returned.
On Friday, we visited the Costume Design Center’s 75th anniversary sewing classes in two versions.
First, I brought my 18th century sewing project woes to a 20-minute private consultation with Brenda and Tom at the Costume Design Center. How cool is that!
Then later that evening we attended a lecture on three different types of 18th century attire, which was quite interesting.
Of course, we had a blast with all the reenactors who brought the pages of history to life during Under the Redcoat. This year they targeted me…even though I wasn’t in costume. =)
Wow, had to think quickly on my feet to maintain my persona as a spy for Generals Washington and Lafayette!
Throughout the entire weekend we also met several new kindred spirits, lovers of historical sewing.
Great photo-op with my kids
Now that I’m finally feeling pretty good about the latest costumes I’ve sewn for my kids, I purposed to get some great pictures.
When I saw the gorgeous crepe myrtle in full bloom, I carefully set down my tote bag to free my hands to perfectly position my kids for a grand photo op.
Accomplishing that, I returned to my tote bag to dig out my camera.
When I stood up and aimed my camera, I found several other guests taking turns to arrange their children to stand with mine to take their picture.
I had to wait my turn to take pictures of my own kids!
That’s a historically hysterical first!