For my latest sewing project, I dug into my fabric stash and firmly decided I would give new life to my blue embroidered gingham.
Despite two previous lives, first as my first non-accurate Civil War Era gown for my daughter, and second, as a 1952 Walkaway dress, neither worked.
The third time is a charm, right?
Pouring through my pattern stash, I decided on Butterick 5930 which has the vintage flair of Butterick Retro 5747 from 1960.
Although I love the slim look, I already had a full skirt ready to go from the Walkaway dress that I had already ripped apart.
All I had to do was cut out the bodice, fiddle with the dickey and collar, attach to the skirt, partially sew the back seam of the skirt, and handpick the zipper.
Even though it fit quite well at home, wearing it through the day was another matter.
While out and about on Memorial Day weekend, the shoulders kept sliding down.
I want to make little attachments inside the underneath portion of the shoulders to attach to my bra straps, because perfectly fitting to myself is virtually hopeless.
Other than that I really loved wearing the dress.
Loving the embroidery on the gingham, I’m glad that the dress is 100% cotton.
I purchased it at Jo Ann in San Antonio, Texas over 9 years ago.
Since it’s difficult to find fabric like this in the stores these days, I had been nervous to cut into it.
Determined to salvage the mistakes of the two previous outfits, this 1960 dress is a keeper.
Many thanks to my son who took the photos.
For more photos, check my Flickr set.
The Quintessential Clothes Pen – June 28, 2018 at 11:15 AM – Cute dress! I love that neckline. I hope you share what pattern you used. 😉 It’s always a bit hard to figure out your wardrobe when you change size (or your clothes change on you in the closet, which is how I like to think about it!). You’ve got cheerleaders encouraging you on the figuring adventure, though! Hopefully it will turn into a positive adventure.
lahbluebonnet – September 9, 2019 at 11:17 PM – Oops, I just found this comment and many others in the back end of my blog. Blogspot no longer emails comments to me. I’ve updated this post to include the pattern, so thanks for alerting me to that! Thanks for the fitting encouragement!
Darla – July 24, 2018 at 12:49 PM – Such a beautiful dress. You look beautiful. I’m looking forward to the details. I’m hoping to make a few more dresses from the 1950’s that are flattering to me.
lahbluebonnet – September 9, 2019 at 11:17 PM – Oops, I just found this comment and many others in the back end of my blog. Blogspot no longer emails comments to me. I’ve updated this post to include the pattern, so thanks for alerting me to that! Thank you so much for your kind words!