Rhetoric Literature Study: Shakespeare, did he or didn’t he?
Not understanding the rigors of classical education, critics argue that Shakespeare did not write the plays, because he only had a grammar school education.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
Not understanding the rigors of classical education, critics argue that Shakespeare did not write the plays, because he only had a grammar school education.
On the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the historical interpreters for Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson stepped out of character.
While perusing all the options, I discovered this gorgeous book: Thomas Jefferson Architect, which explores Jefferson’s architectural influence on America.
The mists of time blew our way again as we re-entered the church, this time to 1676 as we met Governor Berkeley, who dealt with a local rebellion.
While touring Philadelphia, I wasn’t surprised to keep running into Lafayette, our French hero from the American Revolution, while we saw great iconic sites!
I cannot say enough good things about Windows to the World: A Literary Analysis. It will help prepare your students for college!
Peaches from Carter Mountain Orchard near Monticello inspired canning peach preserves, similar to a receipt by Mary Randolph, cousing of Thomas Jefferson.
That evening we settled in front of the Governor’s Palace to await a special evening program in the refreshing cool of the evening.
Recently I sent my mom a postcard of the Colonial Williamsburg Thomas Jefferson relaxing in a campeche chair on the porch at Poplar Forest.
Announcing to the world that King George III was a tyrant, Thomas Jefferson became a traitor to the British Crown.
Would the two ever meet on amicable terms?