The Many Faces of George Washington: Book Review
In 2005, scientists studied the Houdon, to scientifically work backwards in time to get as accurate a rendering as one can possibly have of George Washington.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
In 2005, scientists studied the Houdon, to scientifically work backwards in time to get as accurate a rendering as one can possibly have of George Washington.
During President’s Day weekend we analyzed our Ancient Greek studies with those who established the framework of America’s representative government!
Now that I’m caught up, at the present, with sewing historically accurate costumes for my kids, I wanted to do some research for me.
Then all exclaimed: Naaawww, we’d rather be cold in Colonial Williamsburg during Grand Illumination! There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world!
When I told the tailor that I messed up the new frock coat I sewed for my son from a drafted pattern in Costume-Close Up, he asked what I was talking about.
They needed a lot of people for a crowd scene and about 100 showed up in proper attire: contemporary clothing, in dull colors.
Enlisting as a soldier in the Continental Army for three years, giving up all my rights, learning to work as a unit, while ready to endure hardship…
This was a great way to celebrate President’s Day, talking to each of the presidents from Virginia who also spent time in Williamsburg.
I danced with the colonel, who with a thick Scottish accent talked in my ear, to either chit chat or give me direction and twirling me about.
Beyond thrilled, my kids most appropriately entered the time portal into the 18th century while wearing colonial clothing.