The Custis Ruins at Reagan National Airport
Wanting to see the Custis ruins at Reagan National Airport, I also wanted to find the secret gate with a different view of Mount Vernon, outside the property.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
Wanting to see the Custis ruins at Reagan National Airport, I also wanted to find the secret gate with a different view of Mount Vernon, outside the property.
We did a great deal of research on mercantilism so that we could create an interactive opportunity to experience mercantilism, set in various 1750 world ports.
We walked through the time machine tunnel, entering Britain’s mercantilist town of Williamsburg set in 1774 where Britain controlled trade in the colonies.
Historical clothing walking on the streets of the historic area beguiled us to take the 75th anniversary tour of the Costume Design Center where they are sewn.
Jefferson told us to go to Washington City, knock on the door of one of his cabinet members, and they’ll show us the Declaration of Indpendence.
We arrived at the quaint Lord Paget Motor Inn, with Georgian features like Colonial Williamsburg, less than a mile from the historic area.