Meeting William Lee and the Iroquois: Prelude to Victory
Cornwallis…Yorktown…Lafayette…Comte de Grasse…Battle of the Capes…Washington…Rochambeau…espionage…timing…Providence… Prelude to Victory.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
Cornwallis…Yorktown…Lafayette…Comte de Grasse…Battle of the Capes…Washington…Rochambeau…espionage…timing…Providence… Prelude to Victory.
Thankfully the rainy days of September dwindled to a drizzle, allowing lots of umbrella strolls through the drippy historic area.
While touring Philadelphia, I wasn’t surprised to keep running into Lafayette, our French hero from the American Revolution, while we saw great iconic sites!
Washington’s Guard lived in these huts overlooking his headquarters, a tradition that continues today at Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Arriving in Philadelphia to offer his services without pay, 19 year old Lafayette receives his commission to major general on July 31, 1777.
Thus, I present to you, my dear Readers, an accounting of what I experienced while the quiet town of Williamsburg, in 1781, was occupied…Under the Redcoat.
That evening we settled in front of the Governor’s Palace to await a special evening program in the refreshing cool of the evening.
When the director of the Costume Design Center heard of coat #2, she handed me proper wool samples, encouraging me to get broadcloth wool for the next one.
Discovering the 1825 Lafayette stepping stone and President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1909 horseback ride in Warrenton near our home.
The amazing story of General Lafayette and the spy whom he helped achieve freedom, becoming his namesake after the American Revolution.