An Epoch, Lafayette Restaurant, Homeschool Graduation
My daughter loved the evening, exclaiming it was far better than a cap and gown ceremony or a party, sighing, “I feel just like Anne of Green Gables.”
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
My daughter loved the evening, exclaiming it was far better than a cap and gown ceremony or a party, sighing, “I feel just like Anne of Green Gables.”
In essence, the fictional letters hold much truth between my son and I because I sewed new breeches to replace his threadbare breeches.
Leaning on the Lord, and with a kind heart of service as Lafayette had, standing on his famed Stepping Stone is a metaphor for stepping up into the world.
Last night she received her Citation Award, given to graduating seniors IF they complete the requirements: one handbook a year for 10 years, from grades 3-12.
With time at a premium, we found fabric with a tiny rosebud pattern with soft draping, which she loved. If I’m careful, she might get two dresses.
Although the first regimental for my son began humbly, the Colonial Williamsburg tailor sencouraged me to to go period accurate…to my son’s utter delight!
Keeping warm and dry, we visited the first three presidents from Virginia throughout their lifetime at various events, for President’s Day Weekend.
This beautifull and massive map of Virginia was specifically designed for Lafayette when he was chasing down Cornwallis in Virginia in 1781.
Although President Washington tried to gain release from prison for Lafayette, he was treading on thin ice due to political tensions from abroad.
Wrapping the huge box, I hid it as much as possible under the tree with my declaration it must remain last to be opened, because it would be the hit of the day.