My Lafayette Journey Began with a Key
Prominently displayed in the central passage of Mount Vernon, is the key to the Bastille Lafayette gifted George Washington.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
Prominently displayed in the central passage of Mount Vernon, is the key to the Bastille Lafayette gifted George Washington.
Whether they were part of a large group, or if they overheard and started gathering around, but there I was giving a tour of the Alamo history in the gardens!
Wanting to be just like the historic interpreters at Colonial Williamsburg, my kids decided to remain in character for the entire presentation.
While Europe allied against Napoleon to prevent revolutions in their countires, the lower classes cheered Napoleon.
The Napoleonic Code brought new freedoms.
What happened to Lafayette during the violent French Revolution, which began a few years after he helped America secure liberty?
Real-life foils, Benedict Arnold and Lafayette came to life with their Virginia stories on our recent trip to Colonial Williamsburg.
Beautiful Mount Vernon, full of Lafayette moments from his three different visits to the home of his adopted father, George Washington.
1781, the year General Washington sent Lafayette with his dragoons to capture the traitor Benedict Arnold, who had burned down the capitol in Richmond.
New to us on this visit to Colonial Williamsburg was the immersive street theater program where guests interact with historic people. Who would we meet today?
Beyond thrilled, my kids most appropriately entered the time portal into the 18th century while wearing colonial clothing.