Visiting Lafayette’s l’Hermione at Yorktown and Mount Vernon
I imagined myself walking aboard this ship in 1780, stepping over ropes, walking under riggings, while imagining Lafayette’s point of view.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
I imagined myself walking aboard this ship in 1780, stepping over ropes, walking under riggings, while imagining Lafayette’s point of view.
Little did we know that we had already visited the site of another Marguerite Henry book, Cinnabar, the One O’Clock Fox.
Upon my first visit many years ago, I yearned to explore the Georgian townhouses with quaint gardens and 13 starred flags.
Lt. Col. Tarleton and his legion, who had been sent by Gen. Cornwallis to defend Gloucester Point, were shocked when the French arrived by sea.
Convincing the state legislatures of Virginia and Maryland to create the Patowmack Company in 1785, Washington became president of the company.
We were surprised with the march and performance of all the Alumni, Junior, and Senior Fife and Drum Corps playing together for their 55th anniversary.
I portrayed a founder of an 1837 Texas town named La Grange, the county, Fayette, and the streets, Washington, Lafayette, Jefferson, and Madison.
Colonial Williamsburg has a new James Madison, who spent months in study, deeply immersed in documents and research. The results of that was great!
Attending the unique President’s DAy weekend programs of the Virginia presidents, I’ve gleaned deeper understanding of our country as we explore their lives.
What would you think about an opportunity to meet the Mount Rushmore presidents and have them come to life to tell you about their presidencies?