Fifes and Drums beat Independence Day: Colonial Williamsburg
We were surprised with the march and performance of all the Alumni, Junior, and Senior Fife and Drum Corps playing together for their 55th anniversary.
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
We were surprised with the march and performance of all the Alumni, Junior, and Senior Fife and Drum Corps playing together for their 55th anniversary.
Philip Vickers Fithian wrote in his journal: Virginians must dance or they will die. Thus, Virginians found a legal loophole around the “no frivolity” mandate.
For the first time we saw the great live performance of Jefferson and Adams: The Stage Play at the Kimball Theater, which previously we’ve seen on DVD.
Before evening retreat was called, the fife and drum corps marched past the taverns, beating out the signal to “turn off the taps.” which assimilated to tattoo.
Last year, snowflakes wafted down, during the firing of guns, the lighting of cressets and the playing of the fife and drum corps, stopping at each tavern.
The more rounds he rolled the dice, the more numbers he flipped down, and his score kept lowering, winning every round…the interpreters were flabbergasted!
Returning to the Visitor Center, we walked by the pond behind the Randolph House, where even the frogs get into the spirit of Drummers Call!
During President’s Day weekend we analyzed our Ancient Greek studies with those who established the framework of America’s representative government!
Where else to celebrate our country’s birthday than the very place that was instrumental in the formation of our country?
When asked about today’s government stimulus package, he told us about the stimulus packages of his day, known as the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and the Tea Act.