Publication of my Son’s Flashback Paper in Updated TWSS: IEW
Inside the box, we found a gorgeously addressed envelope which announced that my son’s paper had indeed been published in the new Second Edition TWSS!
Historical Sewing and Time Travels
Inside the box, we found a gorgeously addressed envelope which announced that my son’s paper had indeed been published in the new Second Edition TWSS!
Daughter: Isn’t All the world is a stage and the men are merely players? in As You Like It?
Son: I wonder if that quote inspired Napoleon to conquer Europe?
After changing from our costumes, we gathered for an interview of the impact four years of dialectic classical history study had brought to us.
Too late in the day for our hoped for tours of The Manse and Walden Pond, we discoursed on the fading away of the esoteric transcendalism over dinner.
Then we visited Orchard House, where Louisa May Alcott’s wrote Little Women, inspired and based on the Alcott family adventures next door.
For the first quarter of the 20th century we portrayed the playful Teddy Roosevelt family, through vaudeville they portrayed their favorite personas.
Her reading speed is not fast but she understood much of what she read.
To help her get through the literature books, I finally subscribed to Audible.
Presenting the 18th century with Martha Washington (myself), Abigail Adams (my daughter), and a boy from a plantation near Yorktown(my son).
I wrote my own lessons for the 18th century which reveals imperative elements so we can engage as Americans and promote self-governance.
With the books come all the CDs needed to have a math tutor at hand to explain the lessons and every single math problem.