Although my little apartment had no room for a Christmas tree larger than a topiary, I had fun helping a friend decorate his house.
Wanting evergreens to decorate his porch, Colonial Williamsburg style, he asked me to pick some up along with a Christmas wreath, and he’d pay for it.
Since Lake Ridge Nursery, near my apartment, seemed to have the best Christmas tree lot I’ve ever seen, I checked with them first.
They absolutely did have evergreen garlands and wreaths, so I bought some to help decorate my friend’s house.
Calling me his strategic advisor, from his house hunting choices to decor ideas, (um, okay, what does a bachelor like when he doesn’t know?), he took me shopping to tell him which artificial Christmas tree to buy.
Since he has a two-story living room, I pointed out the tall prelit tree bedecked with pine cones, which he got.
His cat highly approved, immediately falling asleep underneath her new tree.
Although I can see the full moon from my apartment balcony, I had to drive to a more open spot to see the Christmas Star, which was quite bright.
Then it was Christmas, and my kids and granddaughter were all there.
Since my granddaughter has crooked neck syndrome, from being in the birth canal for too long, she needs to do exercises that she resists.
Trying to make her healing more fun, whenever I hold her I massage her neck, which she really seems to like.
I also decided we needed to carry on the tradition of the Christmas train, not that we had a tree to put it under.
But I did find a Christmas train at Tuesday Morning which looked perfect.
Curious about the train, the baby was amazed with the train and its whistles.
Without realizing it, she did her neck excercises merely by watching the train go round and round, so she wasn’t in the least bothered by that.
Of course opening presents was interesting, since she was more interested in mouthing everything.